Agenda Item Summary


Meeting Date: 8/8/2013

Planning Commission: 8/8/2013

Staff Contact: Kip Harrington, Transportation Planner II

PW Committee: 8/13/2013


Metropolitan Planning Organization: 8/15/2013

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City Council: 8/19/2013

Agenda Title:

13TP040 – Approve the Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Functional Classification Map


The Functional Classification Map identifies specific types of roads and the corresponding functions of those roads, based on rules prescribed by the Federal Highway Administration. After the 2010 Decennial Census, the defined Rapid City urbanized area boundary was changed, requiring modifications to the Functional Classification Map. The South Dakota Department of Transportation, in conjunction with the Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization and its associated jurisdictions and the Federal Highway Administration, has recommended that changes be made to specific roadways based upon the functional classification standards as prescribed by the Federal Highway Administration.

Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):



Action: Choose an item. Staff recommends approval of the Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Functional Classification Map; Planning Commission recommended approval: 8/8/2013;


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Attachments & Links:

Staff Memo

2013 Functional Classification Map    

2013 Functional Classification Percentages

2013 Road Change Descriptions


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